This week has been WIC Week across the country - Women In Construction Week. There have been celebrations, ...
Over the last few videos you've seen what lean thinking looks like, how it works in practice, the benefit to workers, ...
Ever been at work waiting on direction from someone so you can get your job done? It can be frustrating and a waste of ...
Our Hollow Metal Shop Supervisor takes us on a mini tour of the hollow metal shop. He tells us how a door becomes ready ...
What is Lean Leadership and how do employees take ownership of their work? It starts with the culture. Creating and ...
Has the beginning of the new year inspired you to set goals to lose weight, be healthier, and/or get rid of clutter? ...
"Behold we bring you tidings of great joy!" That is how the story started many years ago when angels announced the ...
You've heard of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday but have you heard of Mills Third? We are having our ...
You've heard of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday but have you heard of Mills First and Third? We are ...
This Thanksgiving may we remember all that the Pilgrims gave up and sacrificed when they left the familiar and came to ...
Recently we were awarded the Orlando Sentinel's Top Workplaces award! What makes this award so special is because our ...
We appreciate the sacrifice and dedication of all our veterans - both past and present. We honor our veterans with our ...
Ever need to check your eyes because you can't believe what you are seeing? Well, call it a miracle or call it amazing, ...
Did you know that good advice works best when it's implemented? Our Owner, Bridget Pulsifer, was recently part of the ...
If longevity is a precursor to dedication, then Mills & Nebraska has been blessed with a very dedicated man. After ...
On July 4, 1776 our Founding Fathers who were members of the Continental Congress agreed on the language in the ...
On June 21, 2020 MIlls & Nebraska celebrated another milestone birthday. We turned 87 and we feel great! In 1933 ...
A longtime Mills & Nebraska employee retired from the door business to go boating. Mike Dorman (whose name may have ...
During this Memorial Day holiday may we all pause and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice the men and women in our ...
Isn't it nice to be recognized by your peers? Well, recently our company was the featured Sponsor Spotlight in NAWIC's ...