Has the beginning of the new year inspired you to set goals to lose weight, be healthier, and/or get rid of clutter? Similar principles that apply to our personal overall well-being can be applied to a healthy business as well. At Mills & Nebraska we have been looking lean for a while and the results benefit our customers and our company. We eliminate waste which increases profitability. We make sure things have a place and are put in their place. When things are in order it minimizes - and even eliminates - chaos. Can you see the personal to professional parallels of being lean?
We created a video series that we will highlight throughout this week so you can take a peek inside our company and see how we implement lean processes in our hollow metal shop. By the end of the week you will see how lean looks on us. Today we start with an introduction to lean. Watch the video here:
#millsnebraska #lean #processes #introduction