Over the last few videos you've seen what lean thinking looks like, how it works in practice, the benefit to workers, the company, and the customers. Hopefully your understanding and appreciation for lean implementation has grown. Today we are doing a final wrap up and introducing new lean processes - kanban, wip (work in process), and andon systems. These all aid workers to know what and when something needs to be done. Each of these serves as (self-directed) triggers.
If your Mom ever said to you (or you say to your kids), "A place for everything and everything in its place!", unbeknownst to her she was implementing lean in your home. She was also helping you to be self-directed. Everything marked out and in its place is part of the success of the system. The good news about the system? None of these processes has to be expensive to implement. Do you like our andon system? It's basic, easy to do, effective, and is very affordable. At Mills, we continue to strive to be better for our customers and we have found using the business methodology of lean thinking serves our goals quite well. Watch our last video and make sure to take notes!
#millsnebraska #commercialdoors #leanthinking #andon #kanban #wip