

Mills and Nebraska


Mills & Nebraska

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To Our Veterans, We Salute You

Today is a distinguished holiday in our nation. It is Veterans Day, a day to honor those who have served our country in the military. This day of recognition started one year after the cease fire for World War I was signed. Ever since then our country has celebrated our men and women who have either served or currently serve in the Armed Services. In times of conflict or in times of peace we are grateful to our Veterans and we say, "Thank You!" We appreciate your service, your dedication, your sacrifices, and the sacrifices your families have made for our country. You are part of what makes America great. We salute you and we are grateful you answered the call to serve. May God be with you today and always. 


Funny Friday!!

Not sure how your week's been, but couldn't we all use a good laugh today? Have you ever laughed at yourself? Or laughed at something funny you saw someone else do? Well, as you know, in construction not all projects are perfect - some are perfectly hilarious fails. For those moments we are glad someone had a camera close by to capture it for our enjoyment, er I mean our education.


Oh What A Night!

The National Association of Women In Construction (NAWIC) Orlando Chapter recently held their annual Awards & Installation Banquet. The event is a great evening of recognizing the achievements of our members throughout the past year and looking ahead to the next year.


We Are Thrilled To Announce...

Mills & Nebraska has been awarded as a Top Workplaces company for a second year in a row by The Orlando Top Workplaces! A special section in yesterday's Orlando Sentinel gave shout-outs to the 85 companies in Central Florida who made the mark. 


The Power of Together

Great blessing for us to have Senator Bracy spend a few hours touring our operations to gain more insight in how to support our workforce through  unprecedented disruption.     


88 Looks Great!

Let's celebrate for we have turned 88! We celebrate another milestone in our company's history this week - 88 years ago we were incorporated. We are humbled and proud at the same time to be a company that started in the Great Depression, lived through WWII, survived the 2008 crash, pulled through last year, and pivots to be relevant to the market and our customers.


Joyous Easter!

As we enter into the Holy Weekend known as Easter, may you take some time reflect on the great love and sacrifice of a King who cared so much about you that He gave it all up so you could be in heaven with Him forever. Happy, joyous Easter to you and yours! #wonderfulSavior #greatlove #Easter #Jesus #John316 #emptytomb


Award Winning Recognition

We are sending a shout out to one of our partners, Hurd Construction, for their recent recognition and award from the NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association's NE Florida Awards Gala! Congratulations to Joe and Hurd on getting the "Renovation Project of the Year" award for 2020 for B the Bakery project!! We are honored that we were able to play a part by providing the birch doors, hollow metal doors, and hardware for the Bakery. Way to go Hurd! What a great accomplishment. 


It's WIC Week and We Are Women Opening Doors!

This week has been WIC Week across the country - Women In Construction Week. There have been celebrations, recognitions, and appreciations for all the accomplishments women have made in the construction industry.


Wrapping It Up - Putting a Pretty Bow on Lean

Over the last few videos you've seen what lean thinking looks like, how it works in practice, the benefit to workers, the company, and the customers. Hopefully your understanding and appreciation for lean implementation has grown. Today we are doing a final wrap up and introducing new lean processes - kanban, wip (work in process), and andon systems. These all aid workers to know what and when something needs to be done. Each of these serves as (self-directed) triggers.


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