Good As Gold

All work and no play makes Jack and Jill very dull people. Sometimes you have to get out of the office, have fun, and give it an official name like “team building” so the boss says, “Ok.”

Recently one of our departments went to The Escape Game Orlando to do just that. The Escape Game Orlando offers several unique experiences where teams select a challenge and have one hour to complete the mission and escape.

We took their Gold Rush challenge and had to come together to figure out clues and then some more clues. And just when we thought we were done with the clues, we had to find even more clues to escape with the gold and our lives (cue the suspenseful music!) Without giving any clues away, let's say we were pretty impressive with our time and collaboration.

More of our Mills&Nebraska department teams will also be going there in the future and doing some team building of their own. We have a friendly competition to see who will come out with the best time. I, personally, have my bets on our department.

Mills invests in their employees for the mutual benefit of our teams and our customers. Work+fun makes Jack and Jill happy which makes customers glad to do business with us.

#teambuilding #millsnebraska #fun #collaboration #customers #doors #gold #escapegameorlando #clues #happy

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