Don't you just love a parade? Whether you are in it, watching it live or on tv, there is just something festive and enjoyable about a parade.
On Saturday the 14th we will be in our first ever Christmas Parade! We invite you to come out and see us, cheer us on, sing to our music, eat our candy, and ooh and ahh over our decked out truck. The ever-talented Mr. John did an amazing job getting the "centerpiece" for the truck ready!
The parade will be at 7:00 p.m. at Baldwin Park. Get there early to get a good spot. Anticipated crowd size is about 15,000 and we want you to be able to see all the lights and floats as they go by.
Tis the season to spread some joy!
#christmasparade #baldwinpark #festive #lights #millsnebraska #christmascheer #commercialdoors #joy