We puff out our chests a little, straighten our shoulders, and toot our horn to our owner, Bridget Pulsifer, who is the Chair for the 2020 Florida Building Material Association's Executive Committee. We are proud of you Bridget and appreciate how you engage in the professional community because you believe in making our industry better.
According to the Florida Building Material Association, FBMA, it had its inception in the minds of the pioneers of the building materials industry about the turn of the century but came to fruition in 1920. The Association strives to promote the interests of the building material industry throughout the State of Florida.
Their mission is to:
- Collectively represent the industry in governmental policy making processes.
- Facilitate development of codes and technical standards in the Florida marketplace.
- Promote the use of wood products, related building materials, and services.
- Provide programs and services that increase members’ operating effectiveness and efficiency.
Congrats again Bridget!
#floridabuildingmaterialassociation #fbma #chair #leader #bridget #millsnebraska