

Mills and Nebraska

Storm Rated Doors for Commercial Use

Posted on Sep 18 2014

commercial-door-with-stained-glassFor commercial and residential builders in storm prone areas of the country, storm rated doors are a necessity for long lasting building quality. Which is why Mills & Nebraska carries Ceco Windstorm Resistant Doors.  Windstorm Resistant Doors have been 3rd party tested by UL and ITS/WH certified to the following test standards:

1. ANSI A250.13
2. ASTM E330/E1886/E1996
3. PA201, PA202, PA203
4. TAS201, TAS202, TAS203

Tornado vs Hurricane

The type of door and hardware needed for storm prone areas depends on the type of storm most likely to be experienced. In areas where hurricanes are common, the primary function of storm resistant structures is to withstand the storm. This means that the doors and hardware are expected to be operational after the storm. For areas where tornados are an issue, typically the goal is for a single room or shelter, rather than the whole structure, to survive the storm. The storm doors and windows are not necessarily designed to be functional after the fact.

Mills & Nebraska can work with you to determine the right type of doors and hardware for your particular needs based on your area and typical storm type. Contact us to learn more.

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